Sí, sí, el cocinero loco necesita nuevas fotos con platos de todo el mundo, mándalas a:


El señor huevo os lo agradecerá con una mojada en su yema.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Desired Desert of Desserts - A True Story

Once upon a time... a brave prince...

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...fell in love with a beautiful princess...

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...but the princess was diabetic and when she was ready to take her insulin dosage she fell asleep because the evil witch...

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... put some Sugar from Azucarera Española inside the pump...

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... oh, but What would the prince do??? He was diabetic too, and to defeat the Sugar Kingdom, he should cross the Desired Desert of Desserts, without help. The desert was full of:

- JAMssss:

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- Splonge Cake:

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- Jelly:

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- Catalain Custard and Chocolate Crepes:

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- Orange Flavour Créme Caramel:

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Bue the Prince was... smart, and he let his horse do the hard work... so the horse ate all those dangerous meals, but at the end, he turned into a cake itself...

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So, the Prince could rescue the Princess, and gave her another kind of pump to make it sure she would wake up... but that's another story... perverts...

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Thanks to Marta and her Desserts! Hope to be in your desert some day :-D!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Sorry for the delay, I was saving the world twice last week... but now everything is ok, and a I can go on the cooking show.

Ana from Madrid sent us one delicious meal called Croquetas:

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I don't have any picture of her, but I'd like to pay tribute to one of my favourites spanich actress, Florinda Chico! Tell me: if you want to eat "croquetas"... who would you choose between Ferrán Adriá or Florinda Chico? The answer is clear...

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Thanks to Ana for her meal, and to Florinda Chico for being one of the sexiest cook actress in the world!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008



Sometimes, some of us have felt that out there, there is something more than just our simplistic vision of life.

But if you think too much about it...


And then, You will go crazy or just... get hungry... and then, why choose between them? why don't get them all? All thougths, religions, ideas, ... all around the same table:

- CHINESE NOODLES with vegetables, chicken, pork, prawns and soja sauce -

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- CHICKEN "ajillo" style with pine kernels, nuts and Iberico Pork Ham -

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Thanks Inma! and remember:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dark side of the bread

Sometimes dark thoughts live in warm environments... as black olives in spongy bread...

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Thanks to Maria Jose and her bread machine!

Meals from all over the world....